Mini-set in small, fake leather case.
Box (190x69x149mm) is a western case. Covered with dull black fake leather. Inside blue fake leather is used. Showing the Babcock logo. A ribbon lifts a Babcock booklet. For counters, dice and wind discs are compartments. Underneath there are 4 drawers for tiles.
Tiles (13x18x9mm) are Chinese, very small and made of fine bone and bamboo. The engraving is rather disappointing. There are 4 spare tiles.
Counters are of crude bone with Western denomination.
Dice (4x) are made of bone with Chinese points. They fit in a tiny box of bone with the Babcock-logo.
Wind discs are made of bone with characters and initials. They fit in a box similar to the one for the dice. One side is repaired.
Instruction manual is the US of the red Babcock booklet, 12th edition November 1923.