‘Majiang Puke’. ‘Normal’ sized cards designed to compile a Mah Jongg card game.
Box (60x89x17mm) is Chinese and has the size of a standard box with flap lid for playing cards. There are four of them. Made of thin cardboard printed with red and gold with Chinese and English texts.
Cards (57x87mm) are most likely Chinese too. They have the standard Western measurements and combine Anglo-Saxon images with Mah Jongg characters. The back features a common design for playing cards. There are no spare cards.
N.B. Each box contains a complete deck of 52 cards. The combined content of the 4 boxes (4×52=208) minus kings, queens, jacks and tens (4×16=64) compile a Mah Jongg set (144).
There belong no counters, dice, wind indicators and instruction manual to the set.