US Parker Bros 3

Flat box with brass label. In good condition.

Box (175x152x96mm) is American. Made of cardboard covered with ‘metallic’ paper. The lid features a brass label with the Babcock logo and additional info. Inside there are two compartments. One for the four trays with tiles. One for counters and dice.

Tiles (21x30x11mm) are made of wood. Topped with a layer of paint. Printed with standard characters and images. Each Dots 1 shows a different character. There belong no spare tiles to the set.

Counters are flat, ivory colored strips. The Western denomination is printed in dots and numbers.

Dice (2x) are made of bone with Western points.

There belong no wind discs to the set.

Instruction manual is the red Babcock booklet.
A special publication for/by Parker Bros inc. ©1923. There is also a leaflet about racks.